Extended application for autumn semester courses

AB-201 at Kapp Linné, August 2011. Photo: Steve Coulson/UNIS
Top image: Arctic biology (AB-201) students at Kapp Linné, August 2011. Photo: Steve Coulson/UNIS
It is still possible to study at UNIS this autumn! We have some available spots for qualified applicants. Send us an e-mail today to apply!
4 June 2018
There are available places on bachelor, master and PhD level courses. To apply, send an e-mail to study@unis.no stating which study programme you are currently enrolled in and which UNIS course(s) you would like to apply for. We will then ask for the needed documentation. First come, first served for qualified applicants!
Arctic Biology
Master courses:
AB-320 Arctic Marine Zooplankton (10 ECTS) (Aug–Sep)
AB-332 Arctic Marine Molecular Ecology (10 ECTS) (Sep–Oct)
PhD courses:
AB-820 Arctic Marine Zooplankton (10 ECTS) (Aug–Sep)
AB-832 Arctic Marine Molecular Ecology (10 ECTS) (Sep–Oct)
Arctic Geology
Bachelor courses:
AG-204 The Physical Geography of Svalbard (15 ECTS) (Aug–Nov)
AG-210 The Quaternary- and Glacial Geology of Svalbard (15 ECTS) (Aug–Nov)
AG-211 Arctic Marine Geology (15 ECTS) (Aug–Dec)
AG-221 Arctic Physical Geographical Field Techniques (15 ECTS) (Aug–Dec)
Master courses:
AG-326 Quaternary Glacial and Climate History of the Arctic (10 ECTS) (Sep–Oct)
AG-348 Arctic Late Quaternary Glacial and Marine Environmental History (10 ECTS) (Aug–Sep)
PhD courses:
AG-826 Quaternary Glacial and Climate History of the Arctic (10 ECTS) (Sep–Oct)
AG-848 Arctic Late Quaternary Glacial and Marine Environmental History (10 ECTS) (Aug–Sep)
Arctic Geophysics
Bachelor courses:
AGF-210 The Middle Polar Atmosphere (15 ECTS) (Aug–Dec)
AGF-223 Remote Sensing and Space Instrumentation (15 ECTS) (Aug–Dec)
Master course:
AGF-345 Polar Magnetospheric Substorms (10 ECTS) (Oct–Dec)
PhD course:
AGF-845 Polar Magnetospheric Substorms (10 ECTS) (Oct–Dec)
Arctic Technology
Master courses:
AT-301 Arctic Infrastructures in a Changing Climate (10 ECTS) (Aug–Sep)
AT-327 Arctic Offshore Engineering (10 ECTS) (Oct)
AT-332 Physical Environmental Loads on Arctic Coastal and Offshore Structures (10 ECTS) (Sep–Nov)
AT-334 Arctic Marine Measurements Techniques, Operations and Transport (10 ECTS) (Aug–Sep)
PhD courses:
AT-801 Arctic Infrastructures in a Changing Climate (10 ECTS) (Aug–Sep)
AT-827 Arctic Offshore Engineering (10 ECTS) (Oct)
AT-832 Physical Environmental Loads on Arctic Coastal and Offshore Structures (10 ECTS) (Sep–Nov)
AT-834 Arctic Marine Measurements Techniques, Operations and Transport (10 ECTS) (Aug–Sep)
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