Svalbardseminaret live stream
To dedikerte Svalbard-venner og publikumsfavoritter går på scenen for å avslutte årets Svalbardseminar. Samtidig markerer vi starten på et jubileumsår – 100 år siden Norge formelt overtok suvereniteten over øygruppen gjennom Svalbardtraktaten, som trådte i kraft 14. august 1925.
Arrival and exam dates summer/autumn 2025
Anders Schomacker
Marit Aune
Aniva Lund
Incoherent Scatter: An Invaluable Tool in the Field of Space and Plasma Physics (ISSI ISR)
A global team of 15 scientists, led by L. Baddeley (UNIS) and NJIT colleagues, is collaborating with ISSI in Bern to produce the first comprehensive textbook on incoherent scatter radar (ISR). This definitive guide will cover ISR techniques, theory, and applications, advancing space and atmospheric physics research while capturing decades of innovation for future generations.
Svalbardseminaret 2025
The annual seminar series Svalbardseminaret starts on Tuesday 14 January and runs twice a week until 28 January. Note that all lectures are only given in Norwegian.
Welcome to a new semester at UNIS
We are excited to welcome each of you as you begin your studies on January 8th.
Merit System for Teaching at UNIS
Extended collaboration to ensure future recruitment
Director Jøran Moen of the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) and Director Camilla Brekke of the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) recently signed a renewed collaboration agreement between the institutions. The agreement builds on an already strong partnership and aims to secure a steady and sustainable recruitment of highly qualified candidates for polar research.
Elise Ida Blum Samuelsen
Merle Scheiner
The International Tundra Experiment – Endalen, Svalbard
In this project, we aim to study long-term effects of warming and exclusion of herbivores on plant communities in the High Arctic.
Apply for Eli and Jens Eggvins grant
Are you from Northern Norway and passionate about a career in marine research?
SolarMaX: Astronauts Team Up with UNIS Space Physicists and Citizen Scientists
Fram2 will be the first human space mission to travel around the Earth’s polar regions. Named after the historical ship Fram, which went on groundbreaking expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica, this mission will pioneer to be the first ever human space mission in polar orbit. Onboard Fram2 are four commercial astronauts, Chun Wang of Malta, Jannicke Mikkelsen of Norway, Rabea Rogge of Germany and Eric Philips of Australia.
Arrival and exam dates spring 2025
Yngve Birkelund
How above- and belowground biotic traits shape insulation of permafrost in a warming Arctic
Acclaimed snow conference holds post-excursion at UNIS
UNIS and the Arctic Safety Centre are hosting a large post-excursion with participants from three different continents: Australia, the USA, and Europe.
Geert Hensgens