Unis IT
Need support?
If you have an UNIS user account you can send a request to support@unis.no
On this page you will find links to PDF documents on How to do, Frequently Asked Questions, User manuals, IT Policy and regulations, News etc. Our goal is to reduce the amount of support-questions by providing you with as much relevant information as possible here.
General information
UNIS IT Policy (PDF)
For STUDENTS: Introduction to the UNIS Computer System (PDF)
For STAFF: Introduction to the UNIS Computer System (PDF)
For GUEST LECTURERS: Introduction to the UNIS Computer System (PDF)
Wireless network in the Svalbard Science Centre, UNIS Guest House and the student housing
Eduroam – Information and how to connect
“eduroam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community.”
Eduroam is the primary wireless network for both students and employees at UNIS. Guest from other eduroam capable institutions can log onto the eduroam network at UNIS with their existing login credentials as well. However logging on to eduroam with credentials from other universities will only give you internet access and not access to our local network services. So to be able to use our local services, such as printing and map network shares, you will have to use your UNIS-credentials.
Configure eduroam
To connect to eduroam with your UNIS credentials, make sure you have removed your current eduroam profile from your computer. This is also explained in the manuals below.
More information on Eduroam
Guest network
The wireless guest network is a self-service portal. Connect to Guest and you will be redirected to the self-service portal with instructions.
Your registration is valid for one week and you may use the same guest username and password for 5 devices.
The guest network will give you Internet access. To get access to UNIS services you need to have a UNIS user account and use Eduroam instead.
The University Centre in Svalbard offers a campus-wide license to MATLAB, Simulink, and companion toolboxes. Students are covered by the campus-wide license and can install software on their home or laptop computers.
For instructions on downloading the software go to:
The University Centre in Svalbard offers a campus-wide license for ArcGis.
Please send a mail to support@unis.no and we will supply you with a one year license
Accessing network shares
Before connecting to network shares you need to be connected to either eduroam at Svalbard Science Park or use VPN.
VPN access to UNIS
Go to https://vpn.unis.no, log in with your unis username and password to download the client.
In the client connect to vpn.unis.no
Outlook/E-mail information
Printing and scanning
Accessing library e-resources
Having trouble getting access to UNIS’ online databases and journal subscriptions? Look here for more information or contact library@unis.no.