Operations and field safety

Stay safe in the Arctic wilderness. With state of the art equipment and a compulsory safety course, you are ready for the adventure that awaits you.

Section for operations and field safety (OFS) offers support and services for UNIS courses and projects before, during and after fieldwork.

We can also offer services for external projects when capacity is available.

Frequently asked questions

When are the booking deadlines?

Summer and autumn logistics: 1 April

Winter and spring logistics: 1 November

Must guest PhDs and visiting researchers complete the UNIS safety training before fieldwork?

Yes, both guest PhDs and other visiting researchers at UNIS must follow the same rules and regulations as the ordinary staff at UNIS and must therefore complete the necessary training.

What is required to lend a weapon from UNIS?

The person must have a valid employee contract with UNIS or be admitted as a student at UNIS. The person must participate in and pass the UNIS safety training. The safety course is valid for 6 months. In addition, the person also needs individual firearms permit (EU) or a valid approval from the Governor of Svalbard. See more information about weapons, or information from Sysselmesteren.

Who will get priority if short on equipment?

All UNIS courses that have requested equipment within designated deadlines will have first priority, thereafter UNIS projects and externally funded projects.

Contact information

For further inquiries, please contact the Section for Operations and Field Safety at ofs@unis.no