Operations and field work
UNIS shall be a leading organisation for health, safety and the environment. Our overall HSE goals are to work to prevent injuries or accidents associated with our activities. We shall minimise any possible negative impacts on the environment and ensure a working environment that is safe, stimulating and rewarding.
All operations outside of the Science Centre building where UNIS is located is considered fieldwork, and must follow the regulations for fieldwork given in the UNIS field work safety instructions. Fieldwork must be in line with the overall goals for health, safety and environment (HSE).
More resources on field work and conditions will be published soon!
All students, staff and participants in external projects performing field work must have all the appropriate safety training.
Before going out, you must book and perform an HSE brief with one of the staff from Section for Operations and field safety. Please make sure to give a heads up well in advance, as this is mandatory for all fieldwork.
You can do this by sending us a mail at logistics@unis.no. Every member of the field party should join the HSE brief.
During the HSE briefing we will go through the goals of the field work, identify any risk factors and counter measures. We will also discuss communication, equipment, permissions if needed and any other relevant information to prepare you for the field work.
You can find the HSE-form here, please read through and fill out participants list, dates, times, and other info you have before the brief.
When returning from field work, make sure to clean equipment and hang for drying. All equipment should be returned the next morning at 08:30 for others to use.
If any incidents occurred during the field work, make sure to make a report using UNIS Speakup system.
External resources:
Yr.no – weather forecast from the Norwegian meteorological institute
Varsom.no – avalanche information and conditions
Sikresiden.no – training and advice on what you should do in emergency situations
Ice charts – latest overview of the sea ice conditions around Spitsbergen