Kim Senger
Professor, Structural geology and basin analysis
A 211

Background and research interests
I have broad research interests focusing on applied scientific problems – be it CO2 storage in Svalbard, exploration for hydrocarbons offshore Norway or groundwater exploration in volcanic basins. My PhD (2010–2013) focused on reservoir modelling for the UNIS CO2 lab, spanning the entire outcrop to simulator workflow. The thesis focused primarily on the effect of the natural fracture network in the Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic Kapp Toscana Group on subsurface fluid flow, and the impact that igneous intrusions have on the reservoir. Both before and after my PhD I have worked in the Norwegian oil & gas industry in exploration.
Key research interests
- CO2 sequestration, particularly in Svalbard
- Impact of igneous intrusions on the petroleum system
- High Arctic Large Igneous Province and links to Early Cretaceous tectono-stratigraphy
- Integrated exploration in general, using both elastic (i.e. seismic) and electric (i.e. controlled-source electromagnetics) data sets to reduce exploration risk
- Fractured reservoirs
- Gas hydrates, and particularly stability zone modelling and quantification of hydrate-bound gas resources
- From outcrop to simulator: how can Svalbard’s world-class outcrops be used optimally to address subsurface challenges elsewhere
Master projects
The following is a non-exhaustive list of possible MSc thesis projects, all making use of the excellent Svalbard exposures. Contact me for further details or with own ideas.
- Structural investigation of igneous intrusions in Svalbard: implications for fluid flow
- Regional geometry of igneous intrusions from field and LiDAR data
- Electric-elastic exploration: what do Svalbard exposures “look like” on geophysical data sets?
- GPR characterization of the Kapp Toscana Group at Botneheia: towards a 3D structural map of the CO2 target aquifer
- Geological drivers of resistivity in exhumed basins: a well-based study
- Seismic-well-outcrop calibration of central Spitsbergen
- Petrophysical evaluation of Mesozoic-Cenozoic successions on Svalbard
- Synthetic seismic modelling of igneous intrusions onshore Svalbard
- Formation evaluation of igneous intrusions and associated contact metamorphic aureoles based on wireline data
View publication list in Cristin
Read more about Kim and his work at Google Scholar.