UNIS Annual Report 2018

Top image: AGF-211 students on their way over the sea ice in St. Jonsfjorden. Photo: Lars Henrik Smedsrud/UNIS.
13 June 2019
Number of Students
In 2018, 772 students from 43 nations spent shorter or longer periods at UNIS, including both course students and guest master’s students. Of these, 51% came from programmes of study at Norwegian universities (Norwegian degree students), while the remaining 49% came from international universities. The gender distribution shows that 53% of the students were women. UiT – The Arctic University of Norway is the Norwegian university that sends the most students to UNIS.
Student production
A total of 218 student-labour years was produced at UNIS in 2018, of which 195 student-labour years were linked to credits (ECTS) from competed courses and 23 student-labour years linked to presence by guest master’s students.
Staff numbers
As of 31 December 2018, the academic staff at UNIS comprised of 13 professors, 15 associate professors, three researchers, two researchers, four post docs, 13 PhD candidates and 39 staff with adjunct professor/associate professor attachments. The technical and administrative staff comprised 43 full-time equivalent work years. Women accounted for 50% of the technical and administrative positions, 49% of the academic positions and 53% of the students.
Research initiatives
UNIS has ambitious goals for its research and participates in numerous initiatives aimed at establishing national and international centres and larger projects.
UNIS wishes to ensure a robust research environment of high quality and contribute to the knowledge front on Arctic issues, generate innovations and business development both locally and nationally. The institution’s research shall also support the research-based teaching. These are high ambitions for a small institution, but analyses of research indicators show that UNIS can deliver results. Collaboration with strong national and international academic environments through participation in research projects is an important tool for our own research, and it is only through such collaboration that we can further develop the institution.
[ct_button link=”https://www.unis.no/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/UNIS_Annual_Report_2018.pdf” solid=”1″ has_arrow=”0″]Download the annual report here (PDF)[/ct_button]
Annual reports from previous years can be found here