Jøran Moen appointed new director of UNIS

Jøran Moen. Photo: Hilde Lynnebakken/University of Oslo
Top image: Jøran Moen will start as director of UNIS in March 2020. Photo: Hilde Lynnebakken/University of Oslo.
The Board of the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) has appointed Professor Jøran Moen as new director of UNIS. Moen will join the UNIS team in March 2020.
11 December 2019
Press release from UNIS
Jøran Moen is 56 years old and is currently employed as Professor and Head of Department at the Physical Institute at the University of Oslo. He has extensive management experience and he knows the university sector well. He has experience in education, research and innovation in the natural sciences, and experience from the Arctic. He has previously held a permanent position at UNIS and in recent years has held an adjunct position at the Department of Arctic Geophysics and therefore knows the institution very well.
“I am pleased that Jøran Moen has accepted the position of director at UNIS. He is very well qualified and I look forward to the collaboration”, says UNIS Chairman of the Board, Morten Hald.
Jøran Moen says he is looking forward to starting an exciting job at UNIS and to working with good colleagues and the Board.
Jøran Moen will take up the position in March 2020.
Information about Jøran Moen’s background and CV can be found here: https://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/people/aca/jmoen/