Forskrift om opptak, studier og eksamener ved UNIS – Lovdata (in Norwegian).

Academic calendar

Autumn semester: Beginning of August to mid December
Spring semester: Beginning of January to mid June

Credits and grades

The credits for each course are according to the European Credit Transfer System, ECTS. The average workload for one semester of full-time study is 30 ECTS and one year 60 ECTS.
The grading system conforms to the ECTS standard. It uses a descending scale from A (top mark) to E for passes and F for fail.


The semester fee deadline is 1 September for the autumn semester and 1 February for the spring semester. International students coming directly to UNIS will be registered as a student at UiT the Arctic University of Norway, and will get the invoice for semester fee at UNIS.

Information for Norwegian students
Students currently admitted to Norwegian universities, will remain registered at these universities. These students must pay their registration fee and register for the exam at their home university.

Regulations for studies

The regulations for studies at UNIS includes general regulations for studies, exam regulations and admission regulations and is found in Lovdata (in Norwegian).

Information for international students
Students who have not been matriculated at a Norwegian university will be matriculated at UiT the Arctic University of Norway if no other arrangements have been made. Students on exchange agreements will need to apply for admission at the receiving institution in Norway and also fill in the learning agreements. Contact the international office at the formally receiving Norwegian institution.

Academic Expenses

All students registered for courses at UNIS must pay a semester fee, except students on an exchange program (Erasmus, NORDPLUS or the Fellowship Programme for Studies in the High North).
The semester fee must be paid within the registration deadline. Currently the semester fee is NOK 670 (ca. EUR 60). Students who fail to register within the deadline will not be registered for the exams.

There is no tuition fee at UNIS, but in addition to the semester fee mentioned above, students must pay a daily rate of NOK 200 for overnight scientific cruises, fieldwork and excursions. More detailed information about course costs is included in the course descriptions.

Registration and Student Card

As an UNIS student, you are entitled to an ID card with your name and picture after you have registered at the UNIS reception. The card serves as:

  • student ID
  • a key card to allow you access to the UNIS building
  • access to printers

Remember to bring your identification. Please wear your student card visible if you are in the building after opening hours. If requested by UNIS’ on-duty officers, you are obliged to show them your student card.

Picture and PIN
The picture for your student card will be taken in the reception when you register. You can choose your PIN for the card when the picture is taken. If you forget your PIN, you can make a new code, please visit the reception to do so.

Lost card
You must pay NOK 150 to get a new access card. You can pay with a debit or credit card. However, if your student card is worn out, you can get a new by turning in your old card at the reception.

Renewal / extended access
Access cards are automatically renewed when you are registered to a new semester and/or course. If you need extended access, please contact the reception.

Transcripts and certificates

UNIS is not a university, but a university centre, and as such we are not accredited to offer any programs or degrees, or to issue official transcripts of records. Upon request, a transcript can be issued by the Norwegian university where the student is registered.

UNIS courses as part of your university education

All courses at UNIS are approved by the Norwegian universities. Questions about incorporating UNIS courses into your degree should be directed to the faculty or the Student Affairs office at your home university. We recommend our foreign students to get the UNIS courses approved in advance by their home institution.

Scholarships and loans

UNIS gives no financial aid or scholarships to Norwegian or international students. UNIS does not have the capacity to help students with applying for financial assistance either within or outside of Norway. UNIS students are themselves responsible for financing their studies.

The cost of living in Svalbard is approximately the same as in the rest of Norway. Stipulated costs for accommodation and food is NOK 9 400 per month. All travel expenses to and from Longyearbyen must be paid by the student. Please see more information about expenses under the Student life section.