To follow the requirements for Open Access-publishing, you need to upload your article to UNIS’ institutional repository, Cristin/National research archive (NVA). Choosing the correct version for sharing is important!  

Accepted manuscript version

The accepted manuscript version is the clean version of the article that is accepted for publishing, after peer review. Also called Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM).

The manuscript version will have the same content as the published version. The publisher’s logo and formatting are not included.

If you haven’t published your article Open Access – make sure to keep your accepted manuscript!

Most publishers allow you to share the AAM as an alternative way of making your research results available if you haven’t published Open Access (this is called “Green” Open Access). However, they will most often demand that the manuscript is shared after an embargo – often up to 24 months (check the journal’s policy). This is not in line with the requirements of for example the Research Council of Norway, who demand that you make your research results available immediately after publication. That is why Plan S offers the possibility of Rights Retention.

Example of accepted manuscript.

Published version

The published version of the article is the final version of the article, complete with the publisher’s formatting and logo. Also called Version of Record (VoR).

If the article is published Open Access, it will be published with a Creative Commons license that allows you to share the published version in a noncommercial institutional repository, such as Cristin/NVA. If the article is not published Open Access, you will most likely not have the right to share it (check the journal’s policy).

Example of published version.