Open Access (OA) signifies free, online access to research results. The main logic behind the Open Access movement is that results from publicly funded research should be openly available to everyone. 

Open Access increases the research’s impact. Research results are efficiently spread, funding institutions get better output of their investments, and research institutions are able to collect and present their employees’ publications in open repositories. Results that are openly available online are more often cited than if they are published behind a pay wall.

The traditional business model of the major publishers has been to have readers pay for access to the research articles. This system has contributed to the academic publishing industry being one of the world’s most profitable. The Open Access movement advocates reversing this model to a system where journals make money by researchers paying for the right to publish in journals, while access for readers is free.


The Norwegian authorities require that publicly funded research results are made openly available to all. In addition, the even stricter rules of Plan S apply to publications from projects funded by the Research Council of Norway and the European Union.

Follow the links below to understand what this means for you as a UNIS researcher and how to publish according to the requirements.

“Åpenhet om resultater er et av forskningens idealer. Åpen tilgang sikrer bedre kunnskapsutvikling og mer bruk av kunnskap gjennom at både forskersamfunnet i sin helhet, profesjonelle brukere i arbeids- og næringsliv og allmenheten får del i resultatene fra forskning. Resultater av offentlig finansiert forskning bør derfor være allment tilgjengelig.”

Kunnskapsdepartementet august 2017

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